... ...
@@ -22,6 +22,8 @@ You must create several objects in the DN42 registry: <
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The registry is a git repository, objects are created by creating a branch in the main repository, making your changes and then submitting a pull request for review. There are detailed instructions in the registry [README]( how to do this. See also the the generic git documentation [git documentation]( and guides on [github]( for how to use git to work with remote repositories.
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+While filling out the objects in the DN42 registry make sure to refer to the [schema]( to speed up the review process.
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When submitting your pull request, you must squash multiple changes to a single commit, again there are instructions in the [README]( for how to do this.
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Remember to add authentication to your `mntner` object, and [sign your commit](/howto/Registry-Authentication)